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TICF reactors tested by:


  • Distinguished Professor Ashwani K. Gupta PhD – University of Maryland (UMD).

  • Dr. Kiran Burra – UMD.

  • Ines Fernandez Hernandez - UMD

  • Professor Marco J. Castaldi PhD – City University of NY – City Collage of NY.

  • Snehesh Ail PhD. - Associate Director of CUNY Earth Engineering Center.

  • Jasmine Navarete, Rainiel Baez, Domenik Galaska CCNY.

  • Professor John Dooher PhD test Consultant – works at Adelphi University NY.

  • Professor Norman Ostroff PhD – works at University of Ct. Stanford Campus.

  • Mirica Eugenia PhD – Senior Scientist at EMSL.

  • Harry Agahegien PhD – Director at Baron Consulting laboratory.

  • Gokul Krishnan PhD – Combustion Science & Engineering at Columbia MD.

  • Mike Zubarev Consultant - Brook Environmental at Stanford Ct.

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On December 05/2022 a DOE’s NIF (National Ignition Facility) has reported a breakthrough in nuclear fusion,

with an input of 2.05MJ and an output of 3.15 MJ resulting in 1.10 MJ net energy.

The real input was greater than 400MJ and with an output of 3.15 MJ for just 20 billion of a second.

 NIF net energy loss is 99.2% (Q=0.00785) of the energy input.

NIF net energy generation breakthrough is BUSTED. NIF is inefficient, expensive and inpractical for power generation.

What all these fusion enterprises are hiding, is the total energy taken from the grid to run the experiment.


In 9/20/2019 at CCNY in the Combustion and Catalysis Lab (CCL) under supervision of Professor Marco J. Castaldi PhD,

and his team, the Tomoiu Gamma-2 reactor demonstrated a continuous output of 15.962 MJ/h,

with a total input of 4.407 MJ/h of chemical energy stored in molecular Hydrogen.

Gamma-2 reactor has continuous output 11.555 MJ/h of net energy.

This was done by reacting 31grams/h Hydrogen with 2,700 grams/h water + air.

Thus, the efficiency of Tomoiu Gamma-2 reactor is 356.19% (Q = 3.5619) and has been sustained repeatedly.


CONCLUSION: 3.5619/0.00785 = 454.5



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There are 2,000 certified documents which support the TICF technology.

A reactor is setup to perform a demonstration.

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